First thing's first: I'll be moving from Nashville to Clarksville in June to be the pastor of Bethlehem UMC:
This church has been around since 1836! I'm excited/nervous/scared/etc, as you can probably imagine. The congregation doesn't have a website as of now, but that will change soon.
Second, even though I've been given a full time appointment I won't be commissioned at the upcoming session of Annual Conference. The Board of Ordained Ministry turned me down but hasn't told me why. They've promised that an explanation will come later, but I'm sure you can understand my growing cynicism since it's been almost two months. As of now the plan is to go back and try again in a year or two, and obviously I'm sticking with pastoral ministry for the time being.
But my discernment hasn't ended on this whole thing. I'm not questioning whether I'll continue to be in ministry, it's a question of whether it will continue to be in the Tennessee Conference, the United Methodist Church, or in any ordained capacity at all. I've had doubts and reservations about these things for some time, and the rejection by the BOM has only heightened them. I'll probably write my next post about questions surrounding the whole idea of ordination.
That's all for now. I'll get back to the standard "Truth As Best I Know It" fare soon.
cool little church! i could see some neat things happening there. don't be quick to run on impulses. that is what the process is supposed to weed out
Keep the faith! The process is tough, but we need to keep folks like you in the UMC. You are in my prayers as you wait for word from the BOM.
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